
weather bureau

Watch Astro-Numerologist Sanjay B Jumaani predict heavy rains as well as Delhi Air Quality months ago!

Watch Astro-Numerologist Sanjay B Jumaani predict heavy rains as well as Delhi Air Quality months ago!

You have heard the weather bureau forecasting the weather, days in advance (not months)! And quite often, inaccurately too

Astonishing for many new followers, not for older ones-
‘Weather’ the pathetic Air quality in New Delhi & other places this year (so many jokes cracked through What’s App forwards) or the record rainfall that plagued India (still raining in Nov at many places), it was all indicated.

A free consultation to those who show us someone else (apart from us Jumaani’s) who predicted the same months before these happened; that too accurately for 4 years on the trot.

Here's a byte from our ‘19 Annual predictions on Youtube-
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