
Bollywood or Hollywood, same story!

He shares his bday with Priyanka Chopra ( who also knows Tai-Chi, a Martial Art ) today.

This Cat has more than 9 Lives!

Happy Birthday Priyanka Chopra; a double No 9, (18+7+1982=9 too), she's entering her 36th (9) year too!

9 already played an important role in her life!

She became Ms World in 18th (9) year, the year that paved her way to Bollywood, gave Fashion, & Dostana in her 27th (9) to catapult herself in the top bracket!

She shared great on-screen as well as off-screen chemistry with fellow No 9, Akshay Kumar (9/09). Scorpio ruler is No 9, Mars too hence she's close to SRK (2/11) as well! Both are 'Water' Signs too!

3,6,9 a family, had predicted a good 33rd (6) year.

She did become the 1st to appear in Quantico, an American TV Show stealing a march over her competition.

No 2 is dreamy n romantic Moon, (Cancer Ruler) on which so many songs are based, best for creative industry, influences most Superstars.

Priyanka Chopra & PC (her pet name) both add to 2 too !

2 Much !!

Bollywood or Hollywood, same story!

He shares his bday with Priyanka Chopra (who also knows Tai-Chi, a Martial Art) today.

Another classic example of a No 9 who excelled in Action role is Vin Diesel (born July 18, 1967) an American actor, producer & director.

He played a prominent role in XXX & Fast & Furious.

A No 9, with Destiny No 3, his name adds to a readymade 33, 6, Venus, Entertainment.

Cancer Ruler is No 2, Dreamy Moon.
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