
Kal bhi, aaj bhi; wahi daastaan! Numbers don’t lie, neither do FB Memories
Kalb hi, aaj bhi; wahi daastaan! Numbers don’t lie, neither do FB Memories

Kalb hi, aaj bhi; wahi daastaan! Numbers don’t lie, neither do FB Memories

This is some gold worthy information dug from the past:
My take about the economic slowdown as well as Technology doing well in another year adding to 4, Uranus (2011), just like 2020- Both added to 4!

Kalb hi, aaj bhi; wahi daastaan! Numbers don’t lie, neither do FB Memories

This is some gold worthy information dug from the past:
My take about the economic slowdown as well as Technology doing well in another year adding to 4, Uranus (2011), just like 2020- Both added to 4!

Jio, the trailblazing tech-entity of Ambani's, our clients, not only saved them from the oil crises but also catapulted them to the top 10 richest in the world

Technology subsequently went on to sail the otherwise harboured 2011! (Read pic)

Likewise, in 2020 as well
While most people are working from home owing to the pandemic, Technology (WiFi, Network connectivity, Television and other electronic gadgets have been used like never before)!

An icing on the cake is the betterment of Science in terms of medicine & invention too (which we also predicted in our ‘20 New Year video); don't forget, the invention of the COVID2019 vaccine is around the corner. A lot of research and development of a potential cure has materialised too

Yeh hai numbers ki zubaani; meri nahi!
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